How do you respond to a racist comment?

I never know what to do. It always shocks me and I'm taken's horrible. It always feels like a slap to the face and I'm too shocked to say anything.

If I get angry, I will only prove their point. If I say nothing, they will be satisfied. Should I engage them and have a logical/civil conversation...ask them why they said what they did? Should I cry and tell them how much they hurt my feelings?

What should I do?


  • Im not suggesting this,

    but since your Question was



    I find I usually LAUGH.

    This isnt out of nervous energy,

    as it would seem surfacely.

    And it isnt because Im comfortable with inappropriate,


    bigotted remarks,





    I (for some reason) always assume when anyone says something that's just SO out of Left Field,



    Morally incorrect..

    that the person cant be serious


    PRETENDING to be a racist.


    I realize)

    Ive always reacted that way.

    If someone's gone off on some crazed,

    insane rant;

    I laugh and say

    "That's are pretending to be a raving lunatic"..!!

    >>Doesnt go over well,

    as the Raving Lunatic was not/is not pretending to be anything but what he/she is!

    Whenever anyone speaks in a Racist way..

    I mean just bizaar comments or thoughts I assume the person MUST BE pretending to be some freakish,

    Racist-kind of person..

    but just like my first example,

    they arent pretending to be anything but what they are.


    If people want to go around spouting Racist remarks in mixed company,

    they are dumber than they look.

    Speaking against other people to/with others who share their opinions is one thing,

    but opening it up for the rest of us to hear it is another matter.

    I guess the best reply is NO REPLY.

    Let their words hit like a LEAD BALLOON.

    Crickets Chirp.

    Let 'em feel stupid and embarressed.

    You may get a few Answers like:

    "Id kick their a**",

    but come on!

    If you are driving in your car,

    and there's a some nut,

    weaving in and out,

    driving recklessly,

    obviously intoxicated..

    do you SPEED UP and try to STOP their speeding vehicle with your car!?

    Getting into a confrontation with someone who's being very hateful and racist?

    This's someone to be avoided as far as Im concerned.

    I know Law Enforcement Agencies are taking Racist Comments and threats very seriously,


    LAPD has a HATE-CRIME unit that tackles Racially Inspired Crimes.

    If someone's VERY agressively speaking against other people,

    (as in threatening) then getting involved would/could be dangerous for you..or me.

    It can be reported to Law Enforcement.

    One day they'll say the wrong thing to the wrong person and that will be that.

    Writing about what you feel when you've experienced a situation like that is a great way to expresss yourself,

    as well as organizing your thoughts.

    Submit your piece to the local school paper,

    or Newspaper..

    even Magazines will take submissions.

    Make your words go farther than just trying to reason with an idiot..

    speak to everyone with what you write.

  • It's probably not a good idea to add fuel to the fire, but words hurt. People are stupid and there will always be people out there that have to say ignorant things. To me, these people are making themselves look like fools. Are they saying stuff to you at school? At work? This is considered bullying. I would try to come up with some smart *** thing to say back to them....something that obviously makes fun of them, perhaps something about their intelligence. --Best of luck to you!

  • Racism is ugly and it hurts because people hate you for things that are beyond your control. Humans are mean, selfish, jealous and hateful. that's why I love animals more. I have had people who I thought were my friends make racists remarks against my race. I never trust them again. Just ignore them, it will happen throughout your entire lifetime but just turn around and walk away. And really think about the fact that they are not worth thinking about anymore.

  • Hun, you cannot respond to ignorance. People tend to have small narrow minds. People who make ignorant comments such as these do not deserve your time or energy. It is best to just ignore it. Don't bring yourself down to that level. Yes, it hurts. But, you must know that you are worth feeling like a beautiful human being just as you are. Don't let them take that from you.

  • i be responsive to the sensation while one says some thing like that, that's not ordinary to respond to because of the fact that's merely too stupid to respond to without an prolonged clarification, you be responsive to the guy who says it somewhat is mentally a spoiled, ignorant fool who does not be responsive to of being rational to be brutally honest. the only word i will think of of to respond to to such issues is: "How approximately being entitled on your opinion, extremely than conversing some thing in straight forward terms racists think of of as a fact?" you need to think of of a few thing if she solutions back to it, nonetheless, I doubt ignorant human beings could be silenced that somewhat. looks way long, besides the indisputable fact that it could easily save you dissimilar explaining. i think sorry that your son must be centred by such issues, if I have been you i does not possibly befriend a racist. i be responsive to it may bring about struggling with, yet i does not enable every physique I enjoyed or knew grew to become right into a physically powerful person be centred by comments categorized as comments of Nazism, and easily to function some thing, even nonetheless its not plenty into this subject remember. comments of Sexism count style aswell. the two that, or you are going to be able to desire to apply a "sharp tongue" sentence. "save your valueless stereotypes of racism to your self" Racists will in straight forward terms look greater stupid the greater comments and generalizations they make. Atleast i'm hoping this could allow you to somewhat, it form of looks such as you're dealing with some soreness of your grandson/son being centred by racist comments. yet as quickly as greater, if i grew to become into you i could pass on the offensive ingredient of issues if my liked have been centred in such brutal manners.

  • just ignore them , If u say nothing it `ll never satisfied them . they want u to get angry & respond .... so don`t answer

  • Just go along with it... and use it against them. "Yeah, I'm not afraid of blowing myself up... and I'll kill you if you don't shut up." "Yeah, I like to steal stuff dawg.. .and I'l lkill you if you do'nt shut up ****a." "Yeah, I'm a bad driver... and I"ll kill you if you don't shut up." etc.

  • Just say: Yo Mama !

  • Say 'YOUR MOM!' They would shut up.

  • i don't.

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