Mac Os X problems?

i have a g4 iMac and im running on Mac Os X. Im having problems installing programs not because my computer is messed up its just that i dont know how. I just downloaded a program and now there is a folder on my desktop and inside it is: the logo for what i just downloaded and 2 documents with copyright stuff. i click on the logo and it shows up in my dock and nothing else happens no screen pops up so i can use the program. do i have to drag the logo somwhere certain. how do i get it to work?

nicotine is the program i downloaded.


  • Many applications are double-clicked and you follow the instructions. Some are simply downloaded and are dragged to the application folder. Consult the text files for any instructions or go back to the site for which the application was downloaded.

    Best of luck!

  • Hi

    Open your hard disk icon and then the folder called Applications.

    The thing you downloaded is a .dmg image and it loads a thing that behaves like a disc, so open that too

    Now, drag the icon with the logo you mentioned into the applications folder. It may ask you some questions, may not. Installing on a mac is normally drag and drop (to uninstall, drag it to your trash, it's that easy)

    To use it, double click on the version in applications; you can drag it onto your task bar

    Drag the other folder into your trash too to dismount it

  • What website did you get it from and what File Extension does it have?

    Try downloading it from:

    Check to ensure that it ends in ".dmg", not ".bin" for example.

    To install, just double-click on the downloaded file.

  • To make that decision once you turn on your pc, carry down the alternative key and you will see the two partitions you place up. click the single that has the working gadget you choose to apply.

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