Why do pro-lifer support self defense?

Even if you life is in danger, where in the bible does it say you can kill someone? So why do you justify your actions as self-defense. our still killing someone so you basically take the "life" away from pro life,


  • 1. Prenatal care minimizes the entire "compromised wellness" quandary. 2. There are all forms of medicines which you can absorb labour to control your agony. You do not have got to go traditional if you do not want to. 3. Once more, the blood loss can also be monitored through nurses and doctors. Did any one force these ladies in query to conceive the child? The huge majority of pregnancies are the outcomes of a consensual relationship and now not rape. No person forced them to take that risk. They did it voluntarily. It's not unreasonable to ask persons to no longer kill their unborn youngster to spare themselves some temporary physical inconveniences. Pregnancies handiest last 9 months, and on the finish which you could have a absolutely medicated affliction-free start for those who so want, and in between concept and beginning that you can get something called "prenatal care", so that you probably have problems you'll be helped. >And what the f**ok makes you think you've got the proper to drive any lady to undergo that? What makes YOU believe that a lady has the correct to drive a little one to undergo dismemberment and loss of life, for any rationale as opposed to that she'll die with out an abortion? I've had 3 babies. The first one was once rough; I miscarried his twin. The second one was once also tough - I wound up within the health facility for a month, I had a partial placental abruption and an emergency c-section considering that her heartrate used to be decelerating. The third one resulted in a stillbirth. I've lost 3 of the 5 babies I've ever conceived. And that i still believe that your argument would not hold water, and i nonetheless feel that abortion is incorrect and that unborn infants are alive even in the first trimester.

  • Because I support life. The life of the child and the life of someone being attacked, only one person is making it out, might as well be the one who is defending themselves too

    (also against the death penalty)


    Bible says not to murder, nothing against killing, 2 different things


    You can have views not based on the Bible

  • why do you assume all pro life people are following the bible ? maybe some of us just think its wrong to chop a baby up into tiny pieces and throw it away

    there is a big difference between killing an innocent baby and killing somebody who is shooting at you

  • Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. We know you lefties don't like self-defense in any case because you don't stick up for human fetuses or people being physically assaulted. Have you never been attacked? Must be awesome to live a sheltered life.

  • What does the the Bible have to do with pro-life? You don't have to be religious to be pro-life, so your question shows you obviously don't care about people's answers and that you are just trying to "troll".

  • The more accurate version of the Bible says "Thou shall not murder" Murder is to kill with malicious intent. Where as with killing there is not always intent, as is sometimes the case with self-defense.

  • The bible says you can kill someone trying to kill you.

  • To protect the LIFE OF THE VICTIM who's getting attacked.

  • God helps those who help themselves. Seriously, are you saying you would let someone try to murder you if you were able to defend yourself?

  • Smite thy enemy

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