¿como digo ingles????

incluso si tuvieron malos tiempos el ahora es lo unico que importa y ustedes chicos han logrado sus sueños y las aliens nunca los dejaremos de apoyar los amamos y esperaremos el nuevo album siempre ..

gracias es para un video


  • Amiga, haces muchas preguntas jaja...tienes suerte que me agarraste muy aburrido.

    Even if you had bad times, present is the only thing that really matters, and you guys have accomplished your dreams, and we aliens never gonna stop supporting you, we love you and we will wait the new album forever.

  • even if you had bad times the now is the only important and you guys have achieved his dreams and we the aliens let us support never, we love you and we will wait the new album ever.

    ( al final me husta mas forever) y ( en la parte de and the we aliens let us suppert never me gusta mas help you) pero como quieras decirlo

  • Even if you had bad moments (o times) the present is all that matters and you guys, have realized your dreams and the aliens won't stop to support you, we love you and we'll wait the new album forever...

  • Even if you had bad times now he's the only thing that matters and you guys have achieved your dreams and the aliens will never stop supporting you, we love you and we'll wait for the new album forever

    P.D : en la parte de y las aliens, si te refieres a un grupo de fans tendria que ser en lugar de "and the aliens" seria " and we the aliens ".

    P.D2 : si ubieses puesto comas seria mas facil traducirlo.

  • no entendi xD creo que english xDDDD

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