How do you create websites/pages?

They say you can make one offline, what program/application do you use?

Also, do you know how to convert a word document file into an image file?


  • use Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 for Web design.

    you can create a word file in to inage in simply capture image by press prient screen button in your keyboard.

  • There are several applications in which you can create websites from.

    (1) Go to the internet and look for FREE website templates which will come as static basic web pages with basic images and links; or there may be some that come with animated shockwave SWF files or even some that use CSS structuring which is a commonly used by most web sites.

    Creating the main home page can use any of the following extensions, ".htm", ".html", ".php", ".asp", ".jsp". All of these suffixes are examples and usually would contain the word "index" as the prefix to the file name. This is the page where you would have a layout consisting of links, comments with various font styles in table formats, headings, et cetera; you can use frames or you can just use CSS which is an external linked file that you can use basic javascript coding to change the way in how it looks and is a bit of a short cut in altering all of your web pages by using a singular file rather than repeating wasted scripting on each page.

    2. You can use Microsoft Publisher to create web pages from Microsoft Office 2000 on-wards (2003/2007/2010)

    3. You can also use popular developing applications such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop to create the buttons. Dreamweaver can allow you to create buttons also, but Photoshop gives you more flexibility and also incorporate images. Dreamweaver has a built-in FTP function to allow you to transfer files online to your website host.

    NOTE: Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop, particularly CS4 or CS5 are resource hungry, therefore you should have a computer system able to run this properly.

    4. Adobe Go Live is another application you can use which is simpler to use than Dreamweaver with a shorter learning curve.

    In word, you can just use the save as command function depending on which version you are using. But you can also use Print Screen and use Photoshop or MsPaint to paste the image from the clip board and save it into what ever image file you want.

    Create an isolated directory to place your web page files, use a simple and easy file structure otherwise you will have issues uploading the files to the web server online; in saying so what ever file structure you decide to use, should be exactly identical to the one you will use online to avoid confusion.

  • NVU is a FREE Web page editor... easy to find and download.. easy to use.. if you can use word you should be able to use it.. as for the 2nd part of the question.. probably the easiest most overlooked way to convert anything to an image file is to have the thing open and press Prt Scn Button usually top row on keyboard.. that will copy to memory of your computer.. then open Paint and Copy.. Voila.. then save

  • You need something called a "text edittor". Theyre used to code web sites. The only problem is, you probably dont know any code.

    The easiest to use in my opinion is dreamweaver by adobe. You dont NEED to know how to code to use this one, you can just design it visually. You can design by coding too if you learm eventually.

    If thats too expensive or just over your head, try is THE BEST online website creater and web hoster i have ever found.

  • we can create website/pages with the help of HTML AND PHP.

  • nah its pretty jst need to know html css or asp or php javascripts..go teach yourself

    i donno abt the offline stuff i mean i can't understand wot you r asking.

    n word can be converted into pdf n used as an depends on wot for you are going to use.

  • Creating a website is like seriously hard. I'd say use instead. Easy to customise.

  • prepare basic for important for web page/web site design

  • I use Dreamweaver

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