Does Naruto mature???

I started watching Naruto a few days ago. It's a decent anime but I find Naruto highly annoying and immature. So, my question to those of you who have seen all the episodes, does Naruto grow some hair on his peaches and quit acting so immature? No spoilers please.


  • well yeah in the shippuden

    it basically goes like this

    immature->More immature->MORE IMMATURE->Immature->Normal->Immature->Normal-Normal...

    if you dont want naked girls go to naruto shippuden

  • There are two series, Naruto and Naruto Shippuudden. He is absolutely more mature in Shippuudden but still sometimes annoying. That's as much as I'll say without giving anything away.

  • Personally, I find Naruto to be more mature in Naruto Shiuppuden...But that's just my opinion,

  • You just started, you don't want any spoilers and then you're asking =.= Doesn't make much sense to me.

    His annoyingness is just the beginning. In Timeskip and Shippudden, he matures

  • in Phisical Appearance only his Height had change.and his face gone like his un adult. but the attitude some ways he is mature but sometimes in order to maintain the humour he is required to be immature.

  • yes,slowly and will see a lot of immaturty in the beginning .but keep's a good anime. i like watching him mature.

  • He's always hyperactive and annoying, that's his character. He's more serious and mature later on but no less irritating.

  • he will in the future....just watch it..its good anime,,,,

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