Period after a positive preg. test...?

My girl and I believe she was pregnant. She had alot of symptoms, cravings, bloating, sense of smell went crazy, sore breasts etc. We bought a test and it said negative. We thought it might be too early in the game for it to show up. She insisted she was pregnant, I agreed. A week later on the day her period was going to show up she took one in the morning. Negative result. She could not understand this so she went out and said I will take one last one. It went positive within 5 seconds of taking it. A week of her being stressed went by and she didn't go see the doctor yet. She took one last test to confirm it and it came up negative. 2 days later her period came. Has anyone heard of anything like this. She is supposed to be going to the doctors today. What are the odds she is in fact pregnant? I know only the doctor will be the one with the final say, but that positive test went positive for a reason right? (She is not on any medication at all by the way.)


  • It sounds to me like your GF had what usually would be termed a missed miscarriage. The best way I can think to explain this is to say that there are untold times where a women is pregnant but wouldn't even know it because she didn't test...she then gets her period which is really the passing of the products of conception.

    Obviously, you would confirm this with her OB. But that would be my guess-the pregnancy never implanted properly but there was enough of the HCG (pregnancy hormone) to be detected by a Home Pregnancy Test.



  • I had a full period the first month I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. It can happen, and she was fine. I am not sure about the test being negative then positive, but I did have a period, sounds like you want a baby, congratulations if she is!

  • Are you sure it was her period and not a miscarrage? Tell her not to stress and if she did I'm so sorry both ways, either got a period or umm lost the baby. I'm sorry, it sounded like you were really hoping to have a baby. God will bless you both in his time. Tell her to relax and do something nice for herself. God will bless her with a baby, in his own time. Good Luck

  • There may be a raffle which you're pregnant. became into it your era or are you recognizing? additionally ought to it is which you have been so close to to the era that the interpreting became into no longer precise. This kin being pregnant attempt are extremely sturdy yet no longer a hundred% precise. i desire to propose attempting out returned, particularly in case you have been in basic terms recognizing and actually going on your ordinary practitioner and clarify all this.

  • The test could have been faulty, or she may have been in a really early pregnancy and miscarried, causing what you believe to be a period.

  • Some of those don't really work....../ go to a doctor for sure

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