Does pregnancy causes nightmares?

I´m just wondering.. Since I´m pregnant I´ve been having really horrible nightmares. I´ve never had that before, except when I was like 5 yrs old or something. Is it really because of the pregnancy or is it just stress or something?


  • Pregnancy can cause very vivid dreams. I just had WEIRD dreams for the most part when I was pregnant, but did have a couple awful ones about something happening to my baby. Those were definitely nightmares! But he's fine now, so they were clearly only dreams. It could be a combination of stress and the pregnancy, but probably mostly the pregnancy. Hope they go away for you soon!

  • I think so! I am currently almost 6 months pregnant and I have been having nightmares lately! I usually do not dream, or do not remember dreaming, but since I've been pregnant I've had alot of dreams and nightmares.

  • Nightmares and very vivid dreams are common in pregnancy. They are really at peak in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, i think it has to do with hormone production.

  • From the pregnancy.

    I dreamed I saw a horrible car accident then we took the victims back to my house, one died and my mom secretly buried him by a creek and would get caught and go to jail.

  • oh I had awful ones when I was pregnant. I think there was one point that I had a few a night for a week straight.

  • its pregnancy and your hormones i had them all the time and still remember the vivid ones

  • have you watched a weird movie? if so

    NO, that's a sign of death.

    you will die in 7 days.

    watch your back

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