True or mostly true: women deserve respect?

A man has to earn respect.


  • Respect is something earned. Honor is something assigned by a higher authority. An example of this distinction is seen all the time in schools and military environments. People may assign honor to Captain Screw-up because someone promoted him to the captaincy and he can make their life miserable if they don't, but they don't respect him because he's dumber than dirt.

    A boy may assign honor to his mother because she is her mother, but if she behaves like the town lush he probably won't respect her. Problem for him is that because his mom was the town lush he doesn't respect or trust ANY women, no matter their conduct. This is part of what is wrong in the world. The ever increasing fracture of the family unit.

    But, as a unit, women deserve respect even if it is only because they have managed to thrive even under the worst disparity and deprivation the society of men can heap upon them.

  • They deserve respect if they make good sandwiches. A woman must respect a man, considering the man owns the house.

  • Do they deserve respect when demanding the rights to be a legal adult at age 18 while refusing to register for selective service like men must do?

  • Everyone deserves respect

    I treat everyone I meet with respect if they lose that respect then thats there fault not mine

  • No both should earn respect.

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  • but why do you have to repsect women?

    why not be indifferent to the are indifferent to us ?

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