Does prozac work?

I was diagnosed with social anxiety and depression. I am a 21 year old male and the last 2 years of my life have been hell. I self medicated for a long time and I quickly lost grasp of everything that was important to me. I became dependent on Alcohol and it eventually landed me in jail. Now I am on my way to recovery and I feel ok not drinking for days on end. I ve always turned to alcohol for social situations. My anxiety, I fwlt got worse and worse and I was drinking to alleviate anxiety for things such as going grocery shopping, going to the movies, or anytime I left the house to hang out with someone. My docotr got me on Prozac 20mg everyday for a month. I am currently on day 12 and i dont feel any different. Is it too early to say prozac wont work? However something interesting happened. Around day 5 or 6 I felt a feeling of complete comfort and happiness. I was doing well at work, I wasnt worried about how the world viewed me. I went to the mall and thats when it hit me, I have never felt the way I did that day. I felt confident, happy almost invincible. I am not sure if it was just a placebo affect because it lasted for like 3 days and then I felt normal again. I read somewhere that if it worls early this means it wont work at all. I have faith in these pills and I hope that there is still time for the drug to take its full effect. Please i dont need any negative feedback, i know the risks getting on this medication so i dont need a lecture.


  • Anti-depressants take between 4-6 weeks to kick in and work properly. If you feel after a month that Prozac isn't working then ask your doctor to prescribe you a different anti- depressant.

    Good luck!

  • Prozac takes a while to work. Keep working with your doctor. It will take several attempts to figure out what works for you. Don't give up.

    And talk to your doctor about therapy. Medication and therapy combined are much more effective than medication alone.

  • Prozac is an old method, not recommended.

    A much better treatment is Zoloft. Do NOT drink while taking meds.

  • I was on Prozac for several years for bipolar disorder and it worked great.

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