How do I find my apartment's corporate office number?

It's part of the Vantage Pointe Homes company in TN, but I can only get the number to the main office--I have had numerous problems in the past but have only dealt with the office and let many things go since I know apartment living is not perfect, but they recently powerwashed the breezeways to get rid of the build up of spiders/bugs and the place is so poorly constructed there was a huge puddle of about an inch of dirty water/bugs that came in from the front door and was seeping under the carpet. I ran out to tell the maintence guy who said "You got a mop?" I drove to the office 15 minutes before they close and the doors were locked, called and left two messages detailing what happened and cleaned it up best I could. I don't want to be blamed for mold/water damage and I feel like I have no proof of anything...their email is also I wanted to complain to the corporate office if possible. Any other ideas? I'm getting out of here asap!


I did use "The Google" and did in fact call that Montgomery number, to which a personal message with one Bob Wilkinson answered...did not quite think that was the corporate office number- maybe I'm wrong though. The other two numbers from Landlord are office numbers not corporate numbers- thanks for looking though!


  • There are 2 corps with that name in Tenn

    (615) 941-1155 is one of them

    (615) 792-0050 is the other

  • Why are you assuming that there is a "corporate office" where you can call up and discuss a problem with your apartment? The ownership of your complex might not be set up that way. I'm not trying to be a jerk but am just making the point that an apartment complex isn't run the same way as a company like McDonalds or JCPenney.

  • While you are trying to track this down, you should also memorialize the situation in writing and mail it, return receipt requested, to the address where you pay your rent. Do this quickly so you will be on record as having advised them of the problem; that will go a long way if they try to ding you for that when you move.

  • EDIT: In response to your AddlInfo, I looked up the Wilkinsons in Montgomery and I see that "Ron" is the CEO at Vantage Pointe Homes according to his profile on LinkedIn. LI website acting like Obamacare rollout right now, but later today, check:



    MONTGOMERY, AL 36106-2421

    (334) 356-1133

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