spark plug problem?

I just did the wires and plugs on my 1997 sunfire GT

the cars seems to drive alot better but when im ideling the car every so often sounds like its almost misfiring? and gives a really rough sound?

what could be the problem


i bought pre gapped spark plugs


  • How's the oxygen sensor?

  • Always check the plug gap, even tho their pre gaped, they can get damaged in shipping. Check you plug wires to be sure their run to right coil pack number and plug. If your car has over 80,000 miles on it, replace the plug wires. Get a factory fit set. Use a little dielectric Greece on the boots, this will keep them free from sticking I use a small pocket screwdriver to spread the Greece around inside the boots, a dab the size of a BB is enough. When removing plug wires, pull them off by the boot to keep from damaging the plug wire..

  • Check for not pushing the boot all the way in on the plug. Also when it's dark, with a friend helping, engine running, hand brake on, and in drive while holding foot brake on, check in the engine compartment for white/blue type light emitting from a plug wire. Also check for cross firing an ignition plug wire or cracking the plug porcelain when installing.

  • You have your wires hooked up in the wrong firing order refer to the owners manual. If you dont have one buy a Haynes manual. Possible the gap on the spark plugs was set incorrectly.

  • even pre-gapped plugs should be checked proir to install. shipping and bumping around can cause the fireing electrode to bend them out of gap (unless they were protected by a plastic sleeve.

    Cheap gas or water in the gas, can cause the problem you are describing

  • make sure that the wires snapped into place

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