How many times do you masturbate per week?

For me i do it...... once a day so 7times a week


  • Usually once a day, or every other day, so 3 to 4 times a week. If I'm horny then once or even twice a day.

  • 7-10 times a week

  • ordinary ! no longer ordinary would be no longer doing so. Its additionally very undesirable for you in case you attempt to stay clear of it. maximum adult males are better than one time according to day. i'm a 4 according to day yet i replaced into as quickly as a lot larger. delight in reason the advantages are intense. you would be calm. you will sleep sturdy. Your grades will advance as you pay greater interest at school. the record is going on and on. getting rid of the previous stuff places greater call for on new. Its all sturdy. exciting and risk-free too. wish that replaced into your ultimate answer.

  • 1-2 lately. Used to be at least 12.

  • 2-3 times per week as directed by hormones.

  • I'm a girl...on a busy day not at all, but on a day when I have nothing to do...3 ;) it usually turns out being 7 or more. haha

  • At least once a day unless I'm very busy.

  • 1 to 4 times a day it depends on how i feel that day, plus you can never get tired of masturbating.

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