Straight men who dress as women? (No profanity please)?

Why do some straight men like to dress as women (I don't mean transsexual or transgendered) but as women who otherwise live life as a male? I would like honest answers as I am genuinely interested in every aspect of human behaviour.


  • Hi, My avatar is my alter ego; I'm a straight male who likes to dress as a woman. I have a perfectly normal life, I'm married (to a woman), have lots of friends, a good job, get along great with others. No one except my wife has any idea that I love to dress as a woman. I know it sounds crazy to anyone who doesn't feel the same way I do, but I will try to explain it.

    I am envious of the choices woman can make when it comes to clothing, makeup, jewelry and hair. Men's choices are very boring. Woman can really express themselves creatively and look attractive and fashionable . If men express themselves like this, they risk ridicule, gawking stares, and in some places would be in danger, unless you're Johnny Depp starring in a pirate movie.

    Dressing as a woman makes me happy, makes me feel good about myself, makes me even nicer than I already am, makes me more submissive. It brings balance to my life particularly when I'm stressed out and want to relax and unwind.

    In general I'm a very open minded person and I've obviously got no hang ups when it comes to embracing my feminine side!

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    Straight men who dress as women? (No profanity please)?

    Why do some straight men like to dress as women (I don't mean transsexual or transgendered) but as women who otherwise live life as a male? I would like honest answers as I am genuinely interested in every aspect of human behaviour.

  • When you are with her give her your full attention. Put your phone on mute or do not disturb; don’t talk to others more than her and don’t leave her alone when you’re on a date. Read here

    Of course there are other people in the room but you don’t want their attention, you want hers. If you have an attractive waitress, only look her way briefly when giving your order. You don’t want to be rude to whoever is serving your food, but don’t engage her or acknowledge her beyond what’s necessary. Women pay attention to these things and will appreciate that you don’t have a wandering eye. If you must leave your date’s side for a moment, give her a peck on the cheek before you leave.

  • I m divorce, never really felt like I satisfied a woman, until my last girlfriend, It was sexual pleasure not performance, I know now how to better please a woman. She comes first, not always the same method. But we did end, I treated her the kindest and best I could, it wasn t enough and it wasn t me, it was her past. I have 4 sisters and their always looking for more to chat about, being a woman, there seems to be a needs for drama. Now I enjoy being my own woman, I purchase my own lingerie, many lacy, sexy lingerie, the stuff men wish a woman would wear. I dress, use alcohol and Dove soap to satisfy a deepest needs. Studies have shown men are more sexually kinky than women. Not judging, just sharing.

    Lacy Sheer Lingerie is such a turn on for Men.

    Old enough to Know Better and Wise enough to Accept

    Too Old to Care

  • If you're tired of spending money on drinks through the night considering you'll get anywhere, and you never do then you have to know that there are certainly a greater practices, methods that you will find in this guide .

    Tao of Badass teaches you how knowledge girls since, this way you're not only can get that hot woman at the party but you may get any woman you desire.

    Tao of Badass will provide you with the tools to create each girl in virtually any space fall deeply in love with you.

  • For most typical men, life is full of responsibilities, caring for the family, work, even most things they might do for fun, such as playing sports,, Always in some sort of competition, or trying to make life better for his family, or trying to just get ahead in life is not always easy. It could be a fetish, but I think it is just a private way to distress, and have some fun. For me, I have done this in the past, it was not the fact of being dressed up, but the personnel attention that I received from someone dressing me up that was fun, and yes, it di take the load of the world off of me for a time.

  • Straight only and not any sort of other transgender: either fetishism (drawn to the feel of women's clothing, like stockings) or stress relief (like being submissive in the BDSM sense of the word - do not have to be assertive for a temporary period of time).

  • Why blame their mothers? Men AND women alike will be selfish if they choose to be. They put on a rouse of faithfulness so they can have their cake and eat it to. Your friend will know the warning signs now and be better off because of it.

  • We have lots of fun in the bedroom and my husband is not afraid to dress up and neither am I, its exciting, its a little naughty and its very sexy.

    My husband is fully aware of his masculinity and is not curious in any way but there are no holds barred for us when it comes to sex.

    Some men are scared to admit they like to dress up.

  • I am a straight man and live half my time dressed as a woman

    when you find out why,please let me know

    it is something i love and enjoy doing

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