Can we keep a coyote as a pet?

my Dear Husband trapped a coyote on our yard the other night. hes just a smaller one maybe 1 or 2 years old just a juvenile. he wants to drown it in an oil barrel cause it has been a nuisance around our property but he is a pretty handsome coyote and me and the kids have been getting attached.

The kids will go up to the trap and feed it food scraps or poke it with a stick. my question is can we train it to be a pet...maybe not a indoor pet but one that we could just keep outside so we dont have to kill it?


  • Wow. You really need to check your state regs on that. I can't imagine that it's legal to possess a live fur bearer like a coyote. Harassment of wildlife is also an issue. Really? Poking it with sticks? Your family sounds like a bunch of standup citizens. Also, most, if not all, states require a fur bearer hunting license to kill a coyote. Ignorance of the law does not keep you safe!

  • Yeah, depending on where you live you can get a permit to own one. You will have to prove you have all the requirements for owning one.

    Though no matter how attached you have become to him it is still a wild animal and there is a high chance it will attack you or maybe even your kids. Coyote's are usually shy and run away from people, at least where I live (Arizona). I haven't heard about any attacks of Coyote's recently but that certainly doesn't mean it can't/won't happen.

    I sincerely hope your husband will change his mind and not kill the poor thing. I'm sure, depending on where you live you can find the number for a wildlife center or some sort that deal with wild animals and have them come and pick it up. They can then drop it off deep in the wilderness where it won't harm anyone and can still live.

  • Well, it would be a shame if the coyote died. I'd say you can keep it if you can, but I'd say you should just release it. Coyotes are wild animals, and they could turn hostile on you or your kids and they might get hurt. If you are 100% sure you tamed/befriended it, I'm sure you can, although I am not sure if it is legal or not (I live in a state where there are no coyotes). If you want to release it and not come back to your house, maybe you can put the coyote in your car, transport it far, and perhaps release it there so it won't come back (it may come back because the wolf/dog family has very good noses).

    Sorry if my English is bad, it is not my first language.

    Hopefully it works out~!

  • It is WILD ANIMAL. It is not meant to be kept as a pet, you cannot domesticate it, its no different then keeping a lion in the house, it will turn on you, it follows its instincts. and good lord, keep your kids away from it! poking it with a stick!? their going to get bitten! poking it with a stick is a good way to agitate it.

    Please dont keep it. dont kill it either, there are other alternatives, if you call a humane society, they will come pick it up for you and place it in a better environment. that coyote doesnt deserve such a terrible death, it would be no better than murder if you kill it like that. why kill it when you can just humanely get it sent away to a different place where it can be happy?

  • No, that coyote is a wild animal, and might not attack, but was NOT made to be a pet. You should not kill him either, send him somewhere else. It's really not that hard. And REALLY?! Poking it with a stick, they are going to get bit.

  • you could train him but his instinks will eventually take over and since he is a coyote he will bite scratch or even worse take down a child i recommend you let it go in a remote area away from your house...

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