car payment problem for math class?

so if i take a loan of $19,990 at 10.21% interest rate for 6 yrs, how much money would i end up paying in total after 6 years? doesnt the interest drop down every month? and what formula do i use?

1 second ago - 4 days left to answer


  • L = P * sum((1 / (1 + r/12))^t , t = 1 , t = n)

    r = annual rate

    n = number of payments

    L = loan amount

    1 / (1 + r/12)) =>

    1 / (1 + 0.1021 / 12) =>

    1 / (12.1021 / 12) =>

    12 / 12.1021

    sum(x^t , t = 1 , t = n) = S

    S = x + x^2 + .... + x^n

    S * x = x^2 + x^3 + .... + x^n + x^(n + 1)

    S * x - S = x^(n + 1) - x

    S * (x - 1) = x * (x^n - 1)

    S = x * (x^n - 1) / (x - 1)

    x = 12 / 12.1021

    n = 6 * 12 = 72

    19990 = P * (12 / 12.1021) * ((12/12.1021)^72 - 1) / ((12/12.1021 - 1)

    19990 = P * (12 / 12.1021) * ((12 / 12.1021)^72 - 1) / ((12 - 12.1021) / 12.1021)

    19990 = P * (12 / -0.1021) * ((12 / 12.1021)^72 - 1)

    19990 = P * (12 / 0.1021) * (1 - (12 / 12.1021)^72)

    19990 = P * 117.53183153770812928501469147894 * (1 - 0.54334620377533658940198340131377)

    19990 = P * 53.671357048932036505153762823063

    19990 / 53.671357048932036505153762823063 = P

    P = 372.45192033760519670903199506637

    Your monthly payments will be 372.45 dollars.

    You'll end up spending 26816.54 dollars over 6 years (when the exact values are taken)

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