Do ramen noodles freak you out?


  • Not until my roommate made a pan of them, let the leftovers sit over night and the suckers grew out of the pan and onto the stove. WTF?!? FOOD should not have the ability to do that!

  • Yes, I found some dry, crusty ramen noodles on my daughters pillow case and found out that she is a "sleep eater" ! She cooks and eats while she's asleep, what if she burned down the house?!

  • Nope. They're quick and easy, and there's a wide variety of ways you can enjoy them. My faves are with onions and mushrooms, or with melted cheese. YUM! Plus it's fun to crush 'em in the package to make loud crunching noises - then to quickly watch them go limp in boiling water. Entertaining little buggers! Hahaha!

  • Do you mean the cardboard ones they sell to unsuspecting college students, or do you mean the whirling steaming hot ones they sell in Tokyo?

    Cuz the cardboard look a likes are scary in how easy it is to imagine that you are really eating food instead of reconstituted cardboard.

    The steaming hot ones are too rich in flavor and have too much fat from pork for me to enjoy....

    I actually like the cardboard ones better...

  • They do not freak me out but they could kill you with all that salt they have in them. Anyone with high blood pressure needs to keep a watch on that if they eat them...

  • No! I love ramen noodles!!!!!! xP

  • how can some thing that taste so good, is cheap, and can keep your belly full freak any one out??

    *unless you mean the shrimp flavored one, that just didn't taste right*

  • only when they start to ooze out the back end of my neighbors cat when I force feed the little furball.

  • nope....actually they're really delicious especially the japanese ramen ohlala

  • nope, chicken flavor is best ,neat how they absorb so much water

    a college staple

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