Is wrestling (WWE, TNA etc.) a real sport?

There fixed so there really is no competition. So is it considered a sport?


  • It has the appearance of a sport, but in reality it's simulated competition with moves that are done

    "light" (not much pain) or "stiff" (some/moderate pain). Really things are not painful as they look (you have to "sell" or make it look like it hurt more than it really did) and the outcomes are predetermined. But despite all this it still should "look" real and the feud should be convincing so that it looks like they really hate each other. This is why Vince McMahon coined the term

    "sports entertainment", 1st to get him out of of fees charges for sports events, and 2nd to show people it really wasn't "real".

  • you're splitting hairs. professional Wrestling IS activities leisure. there is no differentiating between the two. it is like asking if Cola is Soda or Pop. mutually as actual, Vince got here up with the term to describe his very own product. I repeat HE created the term, no longer the followers, it particularly is a somewhat blanket term whilst it is composed of wrestling as a style. All wrestling agencies have some form of front-and-middle storyline, regardless to how hassle-unfastened it may desire to be. TNA is activities leisure. BA: some eastern dude, probably.

  • its entertainment, but it takes more athletisism and more training than you might think to be in wwe or tna. people actually do get hurt in the ring. people suffer concussions, broken bones, and last week a main event wrestler named Edge ripped his achillies tendon live on air.

  • Nope. It's entertainment.

    And poker isn't a sport either, it's a game.

  • Nope. It's entertainment.

  • i don't think its considered a sport, its considered entertainment

  • No, it is a soap opera for the inbreeds.

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