Do gun control advocates ever wonder why?

Do gun control advocates ever wonder why the biggest "massacres" involving guns in this country almost always occur in the safe "gun free" zones or cities where private ownership of firearms involves so many hoops that they might as well be banned?

And when someone gets a gun and goes into a "gun free" zone and kills a bunch of people, or someone with a pistol goes postal on a commuter train in a city where guns are essentially banned - their reaction is always to create more gun control laws.

Will they ever figure out that creating more laws only affects the people who follow them anyways?

Passing another Federal Assault Weapons Ban will do nothing to stop the guy who buys an already illegal AK-47 from using it to rob a bank or someone who gets a TEC-9 or MAC-11 from taking it to school and killing dozens of his classmates. But it will prevent me from buying a new clip for my Glock 17 that I own for defense of myself, my family, and my home.


Furthermore Elana, I suggest you look at overall crime statistics - not just gun related crime. Many European countries actually have a higher violent crime rate than America - but a lower gun-related crime rate due to the banned nature of firearms. To compensate for their lack of guns, many of their criminals have switched to knives for their crimes and as such have a far higher occurrence of crime involving knives than America. For overall violent crime per capita, the United States is one of the safest nations in the world.


  • Of course they don't, a person has to have at least some sense to even wonder about that. They are not even intelligent enough to know that after passing more than 20,000 gun control laws that it does nothing to reduce crime, but yet they think if they pass just one more it will magical stop crime.

    Here is a perfect example of that not being true.

    @ Elana. If you have any proof that directly conflict with theREALt point, why didn't you post a reliable site that proves such a thing. Maybe it is because there is no such site, right?

    @ Concerne. There is also a law against murder, even in Arizona so why didn't this keep the person from shooting all of those people. Or are you under the impression that someone that is planning to kill someone is going to be detoured from murder because of some gun law?

    @ I'm out to get you. You have to be a liberal to believe that banning firearms will stop shooting like this. Are you unaware that we have a ban on illegal drugs and they can be purchased on about any street corner and every school grounds in the US? As many as said on here, only law abiding people do not take guns into gun free zones. Watch these video and see if any common sense sinks in.

  • Laws obviously don't deter criminals. Personally I think gun free zones are pointless. I seriously doubt a person out to do harm will avoid a gun free zone because of a sign. If you want to make a difference you catch the person before they go on a rampage. The signs were there in this guy just like there was in the VA tech shooting. Many people thought he was crazy and feared he would do something violent.

  • Creating new gun legislation is merely a political ploy to show the constituents back home that their representatives are doing something in office. No one ever recommends that the myriad of laws already on the books be enforced more stringently. The answer is always 'create new laws' just like education can be fixed if only we throw more money at it. Its all smoking mirrors. You have a good day now

  • People will guy guns illegally or just simply stab each other. Look at England for example. People will find a way to kill each other no matter what, only the less deadly the weapon, the harder it is to find out who did it.

  • Why is it that every President that supports gun control has massacres,

    I would think the number one suspect would be the gun control incorporation. it takes massacres to get gun control going again. and one Presidents that belonged to the NRA was shot. they use people that is mentilly unbalanc work with them peparing them to do the killing.

  • Your point makes little sense in response to the latest shooting in Tucson, AZ. AZ has some of the most relaxed gun laws and it is legal to carry concealed with no permit. Very little hoops to jump through there. Just be over 21 with no felonies so you can legally purchase a gun and carry it legally anwhere except schools and courthouses, etc.

  • The shooting took place in an area where guns controls were almost nonexistent. It took an unarmed elderly woman to save the day - not an armed conservative gun toting thug. They were hiding behind the old lady until it was safe to come out of hiding.

  • The gun used in the most recent massacre was purchased legally.

    The statistics on states and countries with more gun control directly conflict with your point.

  • Arizona is an open carry state. Yet we didn't get any SPLAGOs (Self Proclaimmed Law Abiding Gun Owners) come to her rescue and shoot the gunman.

  • The liberals use excuses and emotional pleas to make their case, not facts or rational thoughts.

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