Is Chlamydia a catchy name for a baby girl ?


  • My microbiology teacher used to tell about a woman at a hospital where he worked who named her daughter "Vagina", so Chlamydia would fit right in---pun intended.

    Gonorrhea sounds pretty too. what a fine name for a little girl...

  • why no longer bypass the full hog and contact the infant blue waffle as its interior a similar context as chlamydia how dar you and your dad disrespect the mummy of your new child like this i'm hoping to god that she some how gets carry of your placed up and shares it including your new child whilst it incredibly is older so it could see what t**ts you and your father are i in simple terms sense sorry for you the two pathetic

  • It sounds like a catchy name for a STD if that is what you are advertising for your child I guess it is a name to slap on her bottom the day is born!

  • I like Trichomoniasis.

  • It sounds bad.

    I think for a baby girl, if you like Latin names

    GLUTEA MAXIMA sounds much nicer.

  • Mmmm as long as she doesn't get the nick name Clem than for sure..... its darlin and one of a kind....

  • YESS!!

    i really like that! if you have a couple more kids, you should keep the theme and name them gonorrhea, condyloma, and herpes!!!

  • Sure...if your last name is Trachomatis. Are you of Latin origins by any chance?

  • Sounds great. Hey, if it didn't mean what it means, I think it would be a great name.

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