whats cleaner a vagina or a penis?

ok like after sex the girl can't clean the inside of her and sometimes theres remaining stuff, :/ and for a guy he just pees it all out and cleans himself. does that mean the penis is cleaner, or is there something i don't know.


  • Hi:)

    Well, most girls have a natural urge to pee after sex, and then most of any sperm residue(unless a condom was used), is flushed out. All that is left is to clean of the lubrication on the outside, like you would clean of the lubrication and sperm residue on your penis. But the vagina, unlike the penis, have a natural cleaning posses, more commonly known as discharge. This is the female body's way of keeping the vagina clean:)

  • The penis is being cleaned out by urine. I would not call that clean by any means. Both situations are normal and are the way we are made. Neither is dirty for that area of the body, but I definately wouldn't eat off them either. lol

  • Penis is way cleaner until it's in a girl and then removed lol.

    Think of a penis as an arm...and a vagina as an arm pit. Generally your arm doesn't stink but your pits do.

  • Both! What I mean is they both have to be kept clean. The vagina though is "self cleaning" where the penis is not. Especially true if it is uncut. Mine is uncut but do keep it clean.

    As for eating off of one? I would, and have (vagina)! :)

  • the penis, but fortunately guys like stinky things and girls like clean things so it works out

  • your buttcrack stinks because its sh!t stuck up there that u forgot to crap out

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