Why do conservatives call Obama a "socialist"...?

When Obama has bailed out Wall Street bankers, one of the mightiest pillars of American capitalism? Why accuse him of being socialist when he continues the racist war in the Middle East, now in Afghanistan, to cater to the interest of the elite American capitalist class and secure Middle Eastern oil for the West?


  • Conservatives call Obama a socialist because they don't like him, and the word "socialist" scares many Americans, despite the fact that few Americans have ever discussed politics with a socialist, let alone understand what socialist policy actually is.

    Obama is a protectionist capitalist at best, far more likely an Oligarch schill. The main difference between Obama and Bush is who sponsored them. Bush gave handouts to oil companies by waging a convenient war to push up Gas prices. Obama just passed legislation forcing American citizens to pay money into private health insurers and providers. The pair of them are just paid back the people who got them elected.

  • "When Obama has bailed out Wall Street bankers, one of the mightiest pillars of American capitalism?"

    That is socialism. Us conservatives were calling for no bailouts. They should fail on their own merits.

    Why accuse him of being socialist when he continues the racist war in the Middle East, now in Afghanistan"

    Since when can socialists not have wars?

  • "When Obama has bailed out Wall Street bankers, one of the mightiest pillars of American capitalism?"

    You just answered your own question. Though actually it was under Bush that this solution was proposed.

    The policies he supports are socailistic in nature. Capitalism's solution would be NOT to bail out anything. If people can't afford health insurance, those companies would eventually go out of business. And when they did, no one would be able to afford medical services (cuz they're so expensive), and then thousands of doctors would be out of business. Would all these catastrophic things happen? No. The incentive would be created to invent or innovate services such that they are affordable for people to purchase out of pocket.

    That's the capitalistic way. Any business or service whose cost becomes too large will not survive, because no one will buy it. This mechanism forces costs to be kept under control. Obama's solution allows the problem not only to continue, it exacerbates it.

    Obama is supporting a trend toward socialism that corporations (the largest ones) actually enjoy. By having federal protection, they are not subject to competition like in capitalism. This guarantees their revenue and job security. What it is... is neither capitalism nor socialism. It's a socialistic corporatocracy. Liberal democrats PRETEND to fight against corporate greed, when in actuality they are allied with it.

  • A socialist is someone who favors government control of the means of production. The bank bailout came with increased govt. regulation. The auto bailout ended up with govt ownership of GM and Chrysler. The healthcare bill will end with govt control of 1/6 of the economy. How is that NOT socialist?

  • what's incorrect with being "uppity"? he's the President of the united states. does not you assume a minimum of slightly optimism as a fashion to get artwork accomplished? yet no, the cons only won't be able to stand the actuality that there is a Democratic President who has wish for a fashion forward for this usa, and who has wish for the reliable he can do for the yankee human beings jointly as he's in workplace. ..

  • Bailing out is not the same as taking control... Bush's TARP did bail out banks but it wasn't until Obama got in and start to nationalize them... CITI as just one example, or AIG how about GM, now we can add the entire Health Care System to that list.

    My question to you is how in the world can you not see this?

  • Goshyou'reright, he's just another neocon continuing all the most hated policies of the Bush administration.

    You liberals must be REALLY REALLY ANGRY at Obama for being such a double crossing traitor.

    So when are you going to impeach him?

    ......crickets chirping.

  • Al Sharpton says that I am a socialist...and...you know what...he's right!!!

    However, you are uninformed with respect to socialism. Socialism is defined as government control of the means of production and the distribution of wealth. The conflicts you describe have nothing to do with socialism.

  • Obama is a socialist. Read either one of his books and get it from the horses mouth.

    Al Sharpton openly called him a socialist yesterday. How can people continue to deny he's a socialist?


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