Do you turn into a big kid after sex?

Most of the guys I have gotten with turn into a big kid after sex and I think it is quite adorable. They are generally very playful and giddy after. Do most men get like this?


giddy as in being silly...iggling my boobs and just happy as can be. I <3 it!


  • You know they say guys ALWAYS have sex on their minds? Well right after sex is the only time where they DON'T CARE ABOUT IT. And the only difference between a little boy and a man is the little boy doesn't care about sex.

  • Well I cant speak for other guys -I'm straight and I can't really speak for myself because I haven't bothered noticing but what I have noticed is that after sex my best friend/**** buddy is truly herself. I mean there's no reason to hold anything back at that moment so she doesn't. Basically it's how she would act if no one was watching and if she had no preconceptions from life,kind of like a child - I like to call it her "nature". As far as I'm concerned everyone has a different "nature" - how we truly are. Only during certain times is when you actually see it.

  • guys are usually like that after sex because sex is a release where guys may drop all guards with you.

    All guys have a little kid inside them. So what you see is a guy that has put trust in you to drop the walls on his personality. give him a belly rub and put him to bed with a teddy when you're done.

  • Playful? Giddy?

    Usually I'm hungry and bored.

  • Playful? Big kid

    what guys you having sex with.

    Well IF am not up for a second round..

    Am usually eating, or watching TV

  • Specially after a spanking..woooooo

  • They grow out mustaches. and beards. they start growing chest hair. some become sex-obssessed, others mature.

  • i agree with the ryan fellow.

    after a while you find out theres bigger and better things, like illegal substances.

  • yes, because they feel that you are their property now.

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