Politics: Do you think Obama is a professinal liar?

with or against Egypt military coup?


  • Yes. All politicians are.

    I don't think there is a right side with regards to Egypt. You are either pro-Islamic-fundamentalism or anti-democracy.

  • He's a successful politician, so of course he's a professional liar.

    It's what the political class does.

  • Professional? No. Pathological? Yes.

    In the past five years, I've only seen the man make one or two honest statements and it gets him in trouble every time. This is why he never goes anywhere without a teleprompter. It is only with a teleprompter that he can keep his story straight. Folks don't generally have this problem when they're speaking the truth. The truth doesn't trip you up. Only lies do that.

  • Of course he's a Politician. Its a requirement for all Politicians to be professional liars.

  • He is a politician, so, yes.

    "Every man is a liar." Psalms 116:11

  • He is not a professional liar.

    Nothing in his background or behavior shows that.

    He's an amateur.

  • He's a paid speaker, that makes him a professional liar.

  • Yep, a professional BS artist and rabblerouser.

  • well, he lies constantly and he gets paid for doing it..so that WOULD make him a "professional liar", wouldn't it?

  • He is a politician, so yes. I don't like him but I don't think lying is something exclusive to him.

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