Australia or South Africa?

I want to go somewhere extraordinary and I want to experience really cool things. I'm sure both places are great but what would you recommend?


  • Yongyong, I have worked in Sydney and also Johannesburg, while in both placed I did some touring around.

    I have to say Australia, hands down, not saying South Africa is not a cool place, but I experienced something in Australia, with the Aborigines, that I could never forget.

  • Australians go to South Africa and have amazing experiences while South Africans come to Australia and also have amazing experiences.

    In south africa you are most likely to be joining a tour while in Australia is better for the solo traveller.

  • I've never been to either place. I would personally choose South Africa because of the environment and wanting to help the children in need, but Australia I've heard is beautiful! Don't forget they've got the really cool accents, so this decision is tough!

  • Australia

  • Australia.

    No need to be worry about online ticketing. Just need to a make a plan where you are interested to spend your vacations i.e. movie, theme parks, australian zoo, australian tourist most attractive place, indoor fun, outdoor fun or any other. Just decided, and book your online ticket within couple of seconds at discounted rates.

  • South Africa is a much better imvesment. More cultural mix, more dramatic scenery espically around Cape Town, more animals. SA is more up to date then Oz, shoping and food is amazing and oh its much cheaper. Cape town is amazing so diverse while OZ all loooks similar. Rest of SA has secuirty concerns but in Cape Town its fine as long as you don't look like dummy tourist with camera on your neck and cliche touirst clothes. As for people White Australlan and White South African have very similar accents and act similar with strangers aloof but friendly so don't take offence because they havnt the Zombie smile Some of us are use to. SA all the way and also you can visit a shanty town and denote there and then. Many black people now with good jobs and posh often grew up there and very inspiring to hear their stories.

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