Nostalgia is a seductive liar?


  • It can be in some ways. Like for instance we might think that things were so much better years ago, when it was not that much better. However, I happen to like certain styles and decor of the 1920's and 1930's, so in that respect I think it came be true and false, depending.

  • I'll say false most of the time. nostalgia especially good ones is a wonderful thing.

  • For most people this is the case regardless of weather they had good or bad formative years. The vast majority of us have had both good and bad experiences but we choose to cling to the good and have fond memories of our youth, especially the time of first love. Are we fooling ourselves? May be, but it's just the way we are wired.

  • True in that we may lie to ourselves in glossing over the problems of the past, painting a rosier picture than was actually the case.

  • false no nostalgia is usually a good thing.

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