car accident failure to provide drivers details?
What happens if you're in a small accident and you dont provied your details? Obviously after stoppin to check the other party was ok and payin upfront for the minor damage caused.
Is it still clsssed as a hit and run?
What happens if a witness reports it and has your plate
Update:In the UK and have held license for under 2yrs?
If the other party won't press charges, you're off. They SHOULDN'T, since you paid. Did they seem like nice folks?
In the states if the person was dishonest they could call the police and say it was hit and run and it would their word against yours so that's why its always good to get a police report. I suggest you contact your insurance company and tell them what happened. If the witness reports its, then it could also be a hit and run depending on what they told the police. If it was a minor accident and no one was hurt, you probably don't have anything to worry about though.
If you did not check with the other driver, it's hit and run, no matter how little damage, if they say, it's just a scratch, forget it, then you are in the clear. If you just buzz off, you are in trouble