Why is premarital sex immoral?

please only answer if you can provide an explanation other than "because God said it is"


  • its not its a matter of opinion i think everyone should have sex before marriage because what if after the wedding you find out the sex sucks and this then causes your marriage to suck

  • I don't think it is and agree with the idea that you should find out if you are sexually compatible before you get married. However I could see why this out dated notion was started. Lust is a deadly sin in Christian religions so premarital sex could be seen as lust rather than an act of love. Plus you have to consider that when this rule was created there wasn't any good methods of birth control. The pill came out in the 1960s I believe. So back then having a bunch of premarital sex would lead to a lot of broken families. Since the church holds such a high regard for the sanctity of marriage and families staying together making people believe that they have to wait to get married to have sex would keep people from having a bunch of babies out of wedlock.

  • Because a bunch of people got together two thousand something years ago, and decided that they had to stomp out Pagan rituals and beliefs, and slide in a brand new religion. To do that, they had to make everything Pagan "immoral", and one of the biggest Pagan rituals was Beltane, which celebrated fertility, and thus sexuality, as part of its rights. It's also a from of control. If the church has you thinking it's a sin against God's will, it'll be easier (in theory) to keep control.

    Personally, I only see it as immoral if you're doing it because of a need for attention, to get back at someone, or because you're trying to use someone. If both partners genuinely want to be doing it, then its fine.

  • because every major religion dictates so... and the reason is to have order in society.

    in history men had to look after their women and offspring. and women wouldn't give them what they wanted unless men provided for them. so marriage is an institution for this, giving men the sexual rights to women, and women the rights to be protected and fed (themselves and their offspring). and men wanted to be sure the offspring is theirs, and even better women has not been anyone else's (that is why virginity even today is still important) so sex other than in wedlock has always been frown upon after the invention of marriage. it is against marriage rules, the most sensible order that has been brought to organize relationship of men and women in a society.

    but times are changing. today women are not as dependant on men as they were in the past. but they still need sex as men do. so today we are losing that kind of understanding in morality.

  • It's only immoral, if you believe it is.

    Some believe in following the Ten Commandments. One of which involves Fornication, which they believe is sex without marriage. Thus, they logically think that sex without marriage is immoral.

  • I actually think that it's a good idea. How else are you supposed to determine if you're sexually compatible? Would you rather marry someone and THEN find out that you're not? That they like it 1 time a month and you 4x a day?

  • I would disagree with that proposition to begin with. If sex is not exploitive, what's immoral about it?

  • not to me. animals/organisms/people...whatever...are supposed to reproduce. its the cycle of life. and if its for fun then whatever.

  • ridiculous absolutely insane


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