old myyahoo.com page please?

I want my old myyahoo.com page. The new one is terrible!


  • Since you agreed to change to the new version of MyYahoo it is not possible to return to the old version. It is a one way change.

    It is possible, however, to access the old interface by changing the address in your browser to any international MyYahoo version. This is because the new version is officially released only in the U.S.

    That means that if you change you URL from http://my.yahoo.com/ to http://uk.my.yahoo.com/ or to http://ca.my.yahoo.com/ you'll see the old version yet.

    But, I strongly suggest that you should give a try to the new version and if you find something you don't like that you provide feedback and help improve the product: http://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/212118-us-my-yah...

  • As of 1/22/2014, using http://ca.my.yahoo.com/ or http://uk.my.yahoo.com/ brings back the old myYahoo page. The Yahoo mail widget box is screwed up, but everything else seems to be in place (I had to move some widget boxes around). I've been a LOYAL MyYahoo user since the 2nd day it was introduced some 14 or 16 years ago. At some point, I'm sure Yahoo will force uk/ca subdomains into this awful new MyYahoo that Doesn't auto-refresh, cant see as much on a page, etc. When that happens, I may move to the netvibes.com portal page. Been playing around with it, using their pop email widget box to update Yahoo emails, works "pretty good". Can't find a stock watch ticker feed like Yahoo's, but it is better than the new MyYahoo.

  • I also want the old Yahoo page. I hate the new one. Very confusing and sends e-mails to those I do not choose (I thought).

  • I think that layout was discontinued :( Sorry.

    A lot of yahoo has been changed. Yahoo Anwers now has a completely different(and somewhat confusing) layout. Apparently they changed the My Yahoo! page too.

  • how do I get my old home page back

  • Sorry, once you have agreed to the new My Yahoo page you cannot return to a previous version. For more information please see the Yahoo help article in the link below:

    "Get started with the new My Yahoo"


  • This solution really, really works! Go to either the Canadian or UK version of My Yahoo, then set that as your homepage in Tools on your browser. Here are the links: http://ca.my.yahoo.com/ or http://uk.my.yahoo.com/ . All of your old settings will be there just as they were before!!

  • thank you Kaktak - CA works

    God only knows why Yahoo changed My yahoo - I see zero benefit to the new layout - but lost lots of the familiar old.

  • http://my.yahoo.com/?m=1 stopped working for me as of Nov 20. any other ways go get the old my.yahoo.com back?


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