Do Sluts Ever Change?

This girl i've been with for almost 2 weeks decided to lemme know she's had sex with 6 other guys in the past. Is a sweet girl so it really shocked me, she seems really into me but i'm not sure if it's worth it after finding this out.

Do girls like this 'change'? She's 16.


She doesn't even worry about using protection & i'm having doubts to whether she's actually on the pill.


  • My experience based on having been around now a lot of years is that no, foundational personality characteristics don't change. Her, and your, personality style is what it is by the time you're about 16.

    The definition of promiscuity does change though. It changes readily over time, place, and culture. What is acceptable intimate behavior in one group may well be "slutty" in another and "prudish" in yet another. That's a value judgement on your parts that doesn't seem in agreement.

    Most important though - even if her behavior was to change such that she never again sleeps with another man, she has already been with six and you appear to have an issue with that. Nothing y'all do now or in the future changes that basic fact. If that's a deal breaker for you then you need to say so now and not string her along.

    As for folks that don't use protection; never, ever, trust a woman that she's on the pill or that she's taking them correctly, or that the pill is a 100% reliable means of contraception. It's in the man rule book - it's partly your job to help protect her and you know better than to think that's safe. And, remember, the pill does not protect either of you from STD's.

    Some guys like their "women a little on the trashy side" ♪♫ and some prefer them wholesome and chaste. It's cool whichever you happen to be or anywhere in between. A lot of guys make the mistake of dating the wrong women though - you can't change her any more than she can change you so either enjoy her company as she is or move on so she can find someone who does. And hope that someone does the same for you instead of trying to make changes.

  • Some people change...some don't. At 2 weeks she let you know that? That tells me that she thinks it's ok to have sex with every guy she dates.

    Her not wanting to use protection is stupid on her part, no matter what always use protection, who knows she might have picked up an STD from one of the other dudes or she will end up pregnant.

    I would just let her know that she doesn't have to give sex all the time to keep the guy around or please them....go out on dates, cuddle , foreplay, do other things than sex all the time. Let her know she is wanted without it. Seems to me she thinks that's all that guys want from her, help her with a different outlook, then im sure she will change.

  • yes, when girls are younger their minds aren't as mature and they learn from their past. the older she gets, she may learn from it. since she is still in high school there is a possibility she can change. i would say just leave it in the past; she was probably experimenting (nothing bad, just a term! lol) and as long as she can prove to you that she isn't into doing this anymore, then it may be worth a shot. make sure she seems genuine and only flirts with you. if she seems to still be flirting with other boys then take a step back.

  • I am not one so i will never know, hahaha. just kiddin. 16 and already 6 men?? I hope you wont be the 7

  • I wouldn't trust that girl if I were you.

  • oh i don't charge at all so i never have to give change.

  • She's a whore. Maybe she's only pretending to be nice.

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