relative photos?

I was wondering, before I buy a membership, if there's a good percentage of getting a picture of my grandparents and great grandparents on I have never seen a picture of my great grandmother, neither has my mother. Would there be a good chance of her picture being on there?


  • The pictures there are uploaded by people who have them. Ancestry doesn't comb through old photo albums. If one of your mother's first cousins had a picture and uploaded it, you might find it. If that is the only reason you would subscribe, you might consider

    1) Ask your local library if they subscribe

    2) Go to an LDS FHC and ask around; someone there usually has a subscription

    3) Sign up for the free trial, look, and cancel

    4) Post her name, birth date and birth place here, in a second question, and someone may look for you.

    If she went to college, there is a small chance she s in one of the yearbooks Ancestry has digitized; if she was in the newspaper there is a small chance they have digitized that, too. Either way, there might be a picture of her - small and grainy - on without it coming from a relative; but the vast majority of pics there are uploaded by descendants.

  • The BEST OPTION if you hope to find photos is to find RELATIVES, who might have copies (assuming they ever existed). Network. The odds are just as high that persons having pictures are not even online, much less members of ancestry or any other website.

    Every generation that you go back...and find relatives..your odds go up that there are 1. more descendents and 2. more chances of someone having a picture.

    There are thousands of free sites. Joining is only one approach to genealogy.

  • Look your ancestors up on Mundia. It is a free site run by that contains all the public family tree pages on Ancestry, including all the photos. You can use something like the Snipping Tool to keep a copy of the photo on your own computer.

  • I have found lots of pics of my relatives via other family members who've joined and posted. I have also found an uncle I didn't know I had...was from my Grandfathers second marriage... he contacted me through It's amazing the things your will find out on there even on your own. I found that a relative was a Pennsylvania representative in Washington D.C. back in the early 1900's... so NEAT...

    good luck

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