You're a rebel alright, getting on yahoo answers and putting your badness out there for all the world to see. I mean, you are doing literally what millions of other people are doing and you are asking if that makes you Patrick Henry or something. Was this question meant to be rhetorical Jimmy Dean?
nicely, i think of that i oftentimes insurrection on what society and my piers says is powerful if i easily do no longer think of it extremely is. and that i'm no longer keen to compromise or exchange to fulfill their standards because of fact i admire who i'm and that i do no longer care what everyone else thinks. yet i do no longer attempt to insurrection purely for the sake of status out or being distinctive because of fact then i may be purely as undesirable as conforming.
You are plain and simple goofy
You're a rebel alright, getting on yahoo answers and putting your badness out there for all the world to see. I mean, you are doing literally what millions of other people are doing and you are asking if that makes you Patrick Henry or something. Was this question meant to be rhetorical Jimmy Dean?
You are bad, very, very bad. Long live the King of the Rebels!!!!!
i havent gone to school for years hardly makes me a rebel uneducated maybe
nicely, i think of that i oftentimes insurrection on what society and my piers says is powerful if i easily do no longer think of it extremely is. and that i'm no longer keen to compromise or exchange to fulfill their standards because of fact i admire who i'm and that i do no longer care what everyone else thinks. yet i do no longer attempt to insurrection purely for the sake of status out or being distinctive because of fact then i may be purely as undesirable as conforming.
Yes, but I'm sure that unlike James Dean you have a Cause! Hehehe
Unless you are sick or away or have a really good reason for not going, then I say, yeah, you shouldn't have!

DAMN! You are sooo bad a*s! Let's go TP some houses while your playing hooky!
Not with a name like "Nibbler"!
you would be a real rebel if you
follow me into the woods ...............