do true friends exist?

those things people call friends dont exist

do you agree?


  • Yeah they do.. They're hard to find, but Yeah true friends do exist..

  • I don't know. A lot of people say they do but I honestly never have one. I have many friends, yes, but none can be considered true friends.

    If I do have true friends, I wouldn't spend so much time on YA.

  • I know they exist- I have had a few. But they are few and far between.

    It is much easier to be a true friend then to find one, but the only way to find one is to be one.

  • Do true friends exist?

  • I disagree. I just think they can be really hard to find. You can always rely on your family to be there for you though. If you do find a true friend, be grateful for him and be a true friend to him

  • Not all "friends" are really friends. People don't understand the defenition of the word "friends". But, the one true friend that we all have is Jesus Christ :)

  • Yes, I agree.

    It is foolish to trust to the people. They can betray you at any moment.

  • Yes. I have found good friends at church (but Jesus is my best friend.)

    ( :

  • ...I disagree...I am a true friend and I have true friends...

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