Nose Picker??
I think my 3 year old son has gotten his habit from some other kid at day care. He repeatedly picks his nose even after I tell him not to. He has been doing this for a few weeks now and I don't wan this to continue, it's not sanitary! One time I actually caught him eating it. How can I stop him from doing this?
It is going to take work on your part to stop this behavior. I would start by making a special tissue box for him to use, decorate it, make a big deal about this special box of tissues. Keep the box where he can get at them at all times.
When you see him picking, ask him if he feels crusties in his nose and if he needs to use his special tissues. Be sure he washes his hands after picking. Make sure that the special tissues and hand washing do not turn into a punishment.
You could also create something called a social story. These stories are read to the child every time they engage in inappropriate behavior, they reiterate the lesson(ie- no picking your nose).
The story would be written something like this...
Page 1:When I feel crusties in my nose, I feel as if I have to pick. (There would be a photograph of him picking his nose). Page 2:When I pick my nose I get germs on my hands. Germs can make me sick.
Page 3: When I pick my nose it makes mommy sad(use a photo of you looking sad)
Page 4: When I feel crusties in my nose, I can use my special tissues(use a photo of him using the tissues.)
*To add, this is not a quick fix. It takes awhile to modify behavior. You need to use this method every time he picks. Eventually it will be second nature and he will use the tissues on his own. Many parents give up after a week thinking it is not working, or thier no pacient enough to stick to it.
. We have found that short time outs work for mini issues like this. It will give him a couple minutes to stop and think about the behavior, and if he goes to sit down enough times, he will avoid the behavior so he doesn't miss out on playtime. We used this for baby talking and it didn't take too many time outs for our daughter to self correct and then finally stop it altogether.
Good luck!
It is a phase most children go through i'm pretty sure he'll grow out of it! In the mean time try the 2nd post.
ALL children do it! It is hard to stop it. I had a hard time with my daughter. Finally, I sat her down and told her all the germs she was putting in her mouth and called them "lil buggies". She stopped picking her nose. Now when she sees others doing it, she tells them to stop cause they are putting buggies in their mouths!! LOL
i like the pay airborne dirt and dirt. I had one as quickly as, that when the %.&roll, it grow to be with regard to the scale of a pea. i did no longer even upload the discoveries from the different nostril. That day went down in my magazine i'm able to enable you recognize.
When you see him picking his nose tell him NO, that's not good and make him wash his hands. Then tell him that he is not to do that anymore because it could make him sick and if you see him do it again (or eat it) give him a short timeout or a quick spank. He disobeyed, he gets punished.
Most if not all kids do it. I tell my 2 year old to stop and that it's gross.
most kids go though a nose picking phase. once he gets older he will grow out of the habbit. : ]
(sry if spelled wrong)
is right,its a phase
go with 2nd comment just in case thought
All i can think of is to yell at him for doing it.. Other wise how else is he supposed to learn.