Scariest movie ever made?

So i have seen a lot of scary movies. I'm 15, and ive been watching them since i was like 8. When i was 8 they scared me, but now they dont faze me. like a lot of people say the exorcist is the scariest movie ever, that was like nothing. i havent been scared by a movie in a loong time, so what horror movie gave you nightmares? i dont really like torture movies like saw. those do scare me, but not in the way i want to be scared.


  • The Hills Have Eyes.

    The original and remake both gave me nightmares, but they're my favorites for sure.

  • I don't know how scary it would be to you right now, but when if first saw "The Ring" when I was like 11, it haunted me for about a year. That was the movie that scared me the most ever, but I don't know if it would be considered that scary to a 15 year old (I am also 15).

    Try it.

  • You want really creepy movie? Seriously it is not like any other movies.

    Faces of Death

    Guinea pig

    Cannibal Holocaust

    I don`t think you can even watch it. All my friends vomited for weeks. They can`t eat meat anymore.

  • excorsist

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