Are Americans paid to serve politicians, or are politicians paid to serve American citizens?

Also, who pays their saleries?


"In 1789 Congress fixed the salary of the President at $25,000 per year, the salary of the chief justice at $4,000, and the salary of an associate justice at $3,500.

The President's salary was raised to $50,000 in 1873 and to $75,000 in 1909. From 1949 to 1968 it was $100,000, from 1969 to 2000 it was $200,000, and in 2000 it was increased to $250,000. The salary is subject to federal income tax. Since 1949, Presidents have also received an expense account of $50,000, which in 1951 was made subject to federal income tax. In 1906 Congress authorized $25,000 annually for traveling expenses, a sum that it increased to $40,000 in 1948 and to $100,000 in 1969. That year the President was also given a $12,000 entertainment allowance."

The President currently makes $400,000 per year.

The current salary (2008) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $169,300 per year.

Update 3:

This does NOT include the litany of freebies.


  • I pay them good money to do what I say.

  • If by politicians you mean elected officials at all levels of government, then the answer would be they are paid to work for American citizens their salaries are paid with tax dollars.

  • Politicians paid to serve American citizens and they get their salary through taxes.

  • don't forget franking privileges! That's one reason incumbents have an edge to be reelected....When I lived in Chi, the office holders were the best that money could buy....isn't that where Obama is from??? Puller58: it's Neither-nor OR Either-or.....just a reminder in case you skipped class that day:)

  • We pay their salaries, but some people do work for politicians.

  • Why do you enjoy starting trouble?

    To answer your question it goes both ways, and the tax payer pay their salaries.

  • Politicians are paid by American citizens they serve themselves. We need term limits now.

  • Obviously the founders intended for them to serve us.Unfortunately the infection of corporatism, brought on by conservative policies , has brought us to the point where most of them serve special interests.

  • well dude,after 50 + years of public education,they managed to convince the functional morons coming out of that system that they work for the government.should obama win,it will become gospel.

  • politicians are paid to serve american citizens

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