Who presses charges?

Does only 1 person in a County (LA) decide to press charges? Or is there 1 District Attorney per City? How does this work?


  • There are many Deputy District Attorneys in various offices in Los Angeles County and they review cases for filing. It would impossible for one person to do it.

  • "Technically" it's up to the DA.

    In reality, in a huge urban county like LA there are hundreds of assistant DA's and deputy DA's who make those decisions on a daily basis, and the vast majority of cases never go anywhere near the DA himself.


  • Usually, there are several who work for a city/county.But there is always a top dog, usually the one with senority. A d.a. presses charges if they decide to pick up the case (basically if someone's pushing them to do it, or they think it's an easy win.)

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