Do guys prefer girly girls?

Do most guys prefer girly girls better or they would rathre choose a girl with somewhat manly personality?


  • Girly girls. If I wanted manly I'd go gay.

  • I think Girly girls but all the guys say they like girls that dress girly but still play sports (volleyball, because girls run around in spandex spankkees) (; lol

  • girly girls 4 me

  • Girly girl. I like the type of sweet cute girl.

  • well id rather have a girl that dresses like a girl but dont really act like a girly girly all the time lik dat aint afraid 2 fight another girl if she needs to and aint scared of every little thing and to juila most normal guys that aint preps dont cause i dont i hate most of the "popular" girls

  • most guys want a girl that likes them. Personality is pretty important. But there are many types of guys that like many types of girls.

    my advice is find out what type of guy YOU want and be yourself. Don't try to be someone you are not.

  • Do guys like sweet girls or bad/feisty girls?

  • Girls do you prefer funny boys or macho boys ?

  • I think most guys go for the snooty popular girls.

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