Is emo contagious???

I haven't been on myspace for 4 months (because i forgot my password) and i signed on for the first time today. almost all of my friends there are emo. before that, they were normal and happy. is this weird???


I'm not emo, I'm far from it, I'm a content individual who goes out and does things.


  • Its called peer group pressure !!

    Im glad to hear you are a normal guy who doesnt follow the flock of emo sheep !

    I would move on from these people and find new myspace friends.


    Yes, emo is considered a contagia by all emotionologists. When Friend X went emo on myspace, Friend Y saw that Friend X had gone emo, and then decided to go emo too.

    It's a very upsetting issue.

  • Yes, EMO is highly contagious. I walked into Hot Topic the other day, and by the time I got home, I was wearing skinny black jeans, my hair was cut funky and I was wearing a lot of thick black eyeliner. I'm on antibiotics for it now.

  • r u serioulsy asking if being emo is contagiouse its not a cold or sumthing u can spread n the being emo means they cut themselves judt cuz they have sad pics or background doesnt mean there emo

  • possibly;

    like there are these girls in my class right. and im still in jhs but theres this hs on the third floor of my jhs. and they saw like this emo guy and thought he was all cute. and then one of them , actually 2, started wearing eyeliner and yeah they started becoming emo kinda. so yeah

  • Emo is a disease plaguing the youth. It is not Cool, it is a waste of time. IFYOU ARE EMO DO EVERYONE A FAVOR AND OFF YOURSELF!!! POSERS.

  • haha thats funny. umm i doubt it but maybe being on the computer all day made them want to be emo or something. stay happy! life is too short to hate it!

  • ahh fuuuuuuck i just caught emo. contagious no .sick trend yes. one day youve got people saying emo is dumb then the next thing you know their wearing their sisters clothes

  • LOL infectious disease -Totally right, too.

    I don't want to catch it! I'm on enough anti-depressants as it is!!!


  • Misery loves company!

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