Do you own a passport?


I understand that distance can make overseas holidays difficult and expensive for Australians but the cost of flights have rapidly decreased in the last couple of decades. I always imagined Australians being more worldly than Americans but perhaps they aren't.


  • Country owns you...

  • Yes--I have already toured 20 countries.

  • No , I live in England , IF Britain exits Europe and Scotland wants to stay in Europe I might need to have one, should I want to go to Scotland for a Holiday. I have no interest in going to Europe ( France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal or further) and I've no intention to Fly anywhere.

  • yep its just another useless paper now Im never going overseas again. Of the overseas places I went to they were all shitholes full of peasants. Not the sort of thing I want to see while on holiday, I don't want some aids ridden whore hassling me for money and I don't want to see the slums of Detroit. Australia is much better for holidays

  • no but it is on the way.

  • My passport states quite clearly "This passport remains the property of the Australian Government" so, no, I don't own it.

    A trip from Sydney to Byron Bay is about 650km (in a straight line), From London, the same distance will get you to Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France or Ireland. You don't need a passport for Byron Bay, you do need one for other countries.

  • A couple

  • No one owns their passport

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