why do dominicans?.....?

im Dominican both my parents are Dominican and ive asked my friends who are also dominican, i asked ok if dominicans are mixed why are they called latino or something other than black BUT African Americans are considerd black but majority of african americans are mixed too just like us dominicans. that didnt make sense african americans are mixed too with white-native american,indian and sometimes spanish JUST like Dominican but yet Dominicans are latino or mixed but african americans are black,AGAIN- african americans are mixed to there not african there ancestors are african. african americans were born in america mixed with plenty just like dominicanS but yet There supppose to just say there black if thats the case then us dominicans should say where black to because african americans and dominicans are more alike then they know. LOVE MY DOMINICAN HERITAGE THOUGH.


Ok first of all i know my History im Dominican i know where i come from so for you to infer do i know my history at all you would be wrong yes i know, there are plenty of african americans that are mixed just like Us dominicans but you dont see them going out of the way to say im mixed ' mainly when there told to just say there black even when there mixed probably more than us dominicans. so thx for your ignorant comment: NOT GONNA SAY ANY NAMES...

Update 3:



  • Dominicans are MIXED RACE because back when the Spanish were settling the island, many of the guys would fu*k their black slaves.. do you know ANY HISTORY AT ALL?

  • Not a travel question. Perhaps you should put this question in "Society and Culture".

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