How to prevent dogs coming onto my front yard?

People in my neighborhood do not curb their dogs and occasionally they piss or crap on my lawn. Any type of chemical I could use to deter these pests?

I do not care if it makes the dogs sick. As far as I am concerned, the owners deserve it.


  • I recommend just getting a fence. There are chemicals that you can spray on your lawn to effect the paw pads of dogs, but it would also effect all animal such as birds along with people with sensitive feet alike.

  • A dog will roam any place and course pee. If they smell ammonia or spray from another dog they will spray that spot again. Its terrible to have a nice evergreen bush to burn up because of that, If ya see a dog doing anything get the hose soon as possible and spray that area even their poo. The pee from a big dog will burn your grass. If you see alot of round spots in the general same place of your yard dying its possible your next door neighbors dog is using your yard to pee etc in. Put red caynide pepper out. One sniff of that and they most likely wont be back. Rabbits dont like moth balls so put some around your flowers or garden. Got a cat. Brush it and put the hair in a old nylon or wire. Hope this helps/

  • Fill a spray bottle with water and add about 2 tablespoons of ammonia to it. When you see the dog, spritz it in his direction, getting as close as you can to him. He will leave and not come back.

  • Go to the pet store and ask them for that stick that stops them from going to that area

  • ehh u mean

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