adobe photoshop lightroom 2 or paintshop pro photo x2 ultimate?

I have just recenty bought a fujifilm finepix s100fs digital camera which is a high end profesional bridge camera which can shoot in raw mode. My wife has bought a fujifilm finepix s1500 which is a compact style bridge camera. We were wondering what would be the best software to purchase for editing etc and were looking for some help. Adobe photoshop elements 7 or paintshop pro photo x2 ultimate??? do these both have raw functions and are they good value for money, for beginners like ourselves. Please can someone advise on these programs or any others??????


  • Photoshop CS4 hands down. I have been using photoshop since I was about 13, it's easily the best photo editing software available, and easiest to use. It's also what professionals use, so there are online tutorials and tricks and tips that are very easy to find, as well as photoshop forums and online contests that help you get started and get known in the community. One of my favorites of these is where you can find tutorials and contests for photoshop to test your skills.

    Also photoshop comes with adobe cameraw which is perfect for bringing out the most in your raw photos.

    Contact me if you have any questions specifically regarding photoshop.

  • I've not used PSP for years. I'm currently running Lr2 (Lightroom), Photoshop (Ps) CS3/Mac, and CS4/PC. I find that full blooded Ps can be a little daunting at times, and prefer Lr for basic procedures. If you need something more powerful then Ps is a must, but you can get away with earlier versions such as CS2 or CS3.

    If you are a beginner Lr2 is a little more intuitive and easier to learn. And perhaps Couple it with PsE (Elements).

  • With Elements you get a solid editing program that includes the Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) processor found in Photoshop and that is well supported and constantly updated to stay current.

    (There's an update page for Mac, too, of course;-)

    Give yourself a couple of weeks to feel comfortable with the program. No photo editor is easy to use right out of the box. See my answer to this question:;_ylt=AnEj9...

  • It depends on how much you are willing to spend.

    Elements is ideal for 90% of what you want to do.

    Lightroom is another goodie.

    BUT, whatever you buy, you will always want a 'plug in' of some sort, which will cost extra.

    If I had the choice. I will go for elements.

  • i love paintshop pro and can't recommend it more.

  • my recommendation goes to corel paint shop pro photo X2 one. thanks

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