does ******* hurt?

i have a foreskin and its really sensitive to touch the glans, is this normal? i mean wont it hurt if someone gives me a blwjob or i have sex.


  • It's pretty common for the glans of uncircumcised guys to feel really sensitive. In any case, a ******** shouldn't hurt - in fact, it might feel really great!

    But if you're worried about the sensitivity, there are some things you can do. One is to just retract your foreskin for a few minutes each day and expose the glans to the air. It doesn't need to touch anything, just exposing it to the air should be enough. After a month or so, you should get used to the sensitivity so it's bearable. It won't be any less sensitive, really, as the foreskin is still there but you won't be bothered by it as much.

    Another thing is to make sure you pull back your foreskin and wash under it every time you shower or take a bath. It's a good idea to use a mild and scentless soap, as strong scented soaps can irritate the area. If it's too sensitive to touch at first, then just letting water run over it should be okay. The more the glans is exposed, the more you'll get used to it. But you don't want it exposed a lot, like 24/7 or something.

    Ignore any comments/suggestions telling you to get circumcised. That's not in your best interest. Besides, the foreskin can make things more interesting/sensitive during a ******** anyway because the inside of the foreskin itself is very sensitive.

  • This is quite normal in young uncircumcised guys who have not been retracting their foreskin very much. The extreme sensitivity will go away and touching the glans will become much more pleasant, as soon as you start to "use" your pe*is regularly in sexual ways.

  • it will not hurt at all... however when someone does give you oral sex and is inexperienced, her teeth may hurt a bit when your glans is touched... I would actually strongly recommend getting circumcised as this exposes the glans, and will get it used to the outside environment... this is more hygienic and you would actually last longer in bed....

  • No it won't hurt a bit, except you ejaculate only.

  • it wont hurt

  • try it and you will see

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