Does potassium gluconate help prevent muscle cramps?


  • I've not heard of potassium helping with that, but I do know of people who have had great results with a magnesium supplement.

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    Does potassium gluconate help prevent muscle cramps?


  • There are several easy ways to help prevent muscle cramps. First, dehydration should be avoided. Those who are exercising should drink increased amounts of fluids before and during exercise, especially with prolonged activity or during hot weather. Second, adequate stretching should be performed before exercise to "warm up" the muscles before athletic activity. Next, people should make sure to wear warm enough clothing to prevent the muscles from becoming too cold. Overheating is actually a more common cause of muscle cramps than cold conditions, so those exercising in hot weather should be a little extra cautious. One of the most important ways to avoid muscle cramps is to avoid "overdoing" exercise or any activity. People must be aware of their limitations and not overexert themselves. Poor muscle conditioning increases the risk of muscle cramps and injuries, which is why people are always advised to gradually increase activity over time to prevent strain injuries. Once a workout is over, a "cool-down" period is advised to gradually bring the muscles to a resting state. For example, after jogging a person may want to do some extra stretches or walk for a short period of time. This makes the transition from activity to rest easier on the muscles. In some cases, muscle cramps are due to an underlying health problem and not related to the temperature, exercise or other activity. In these people, the above measures are often ineffective at preventing cramps and medications may be needed to prevent the muscle cramps from occurring. This type of muscle cramping is less common but is often more troublesome since they may cause several muscle cramps a week. Affected persons are always advised to consult a doctor. Muscle cramps are a common problem for those who exercise heavily. They usually go away quickly with treatment, but can occasionally indicate a serious underlying injury or health problem. Taking in enough fluids, not over-exercising, wearing appropriate clothing help. Always remember to properly warm up and cool down to prevent most of the muscle cramps. I have had the same problem. But doing just this has relieved me from it. Hope it works for u too. Good time.

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