how far is guyana from america?


if travel by car?


  • That depends on what America you mean. It is in South America, in the Northeastern part, just east of Venezuela. If you are in North America, it wouldn't be very practical to go by car. That would be a very long, circuitous, and possibly dangerous route, through Mexico, all of Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela. It was all over the news last week that they freed a group of hostages in Colombia after holding them for 6 years. I would fly.

  • Guyana is approx 6-5 hours from the USA (by plane)

  • Tip of Florida (25 N/ 80 W), Guyana starts at (9 N/ 60 W).

    Arc distance 'c', d= difference of longitude

    cos c=cos(90 -25) cos(90 -9)+ sin(90 -25) sin(90 -25) cos 20

    c = 68.14424 arc degrees

    =4089 naut. mile

    =4702 st.miles

    =7564 km

  • Southern Venezuela is surely unique, quite Canaima-Gran Sabana section. There you will see that the tallest waterfall in the international, the oldest rock formations in the planet, Mount Roraima website of suggestion for Conan Doyle's lost be conscious plus hundreds of others merely as spectacular waterfalls. additionally, we've Los Llanos it fairly is one between the terrific places for organic international viewing in South usa. The seashores in Ecuador and Peru are not even close to to Venezuelan seashores as far as heat, calm Caribbean water is going. With that pronounced, Ecuador and Peru are plenty extra reasonable for a backpackers funds and doubtless extra vacationer friendly.

  • guyana is in America. south America to be more precise.

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