My family has a car curse?

My dad said when he was in his 20's when a man asked him for a favor that included money, but he couldn't help him out. He said the man said, "your family will have a curse for 50 years". Of course my dad laughed it off and ignored it. My family has been in about 15 car accidents. Every time we go for a drive a car cuts us off or in some way tries to crash with us. I mean every single time we go for a drive. I am seriously thinking we have a curse on us? We haven't had a peaceful trip in the longest. My dad is a very safe driver, he's drove for 20+ years without ever getting pulled over or receiving a ticket. I don't ever feel safe being in our car. Also, this never happens if we're in a friends car or anything. I know it's not my Dad's, Mom's,Sister's driving, so I'm really frustrated. Help?


  • There are pendants that wards off evil intentions such as the eye on the palm of the hand. There are also prayers to grant the protection for all around.

    Another is a technique I call illumination, take a glass of water say your intended prayer over each vehicle, the garage or carport. Take a while to visualize the light of faith entering the water.

    Next set the glass in the sun, make sure to cover with clear wrap and left I disturbed for 3 hrs.. Before picking it up give thanks to deity, angels, saints, ect... Pray once again with vigor intent to cure the curse as you feel it will work. Then lightly sprinkle with fingertips over the cars, carport / garage entrance and any windows thinking of the positive energy covering the area and vehicle.

    When done give thanks again and dispose the rest of the water. Pretty sure it is just a matter of time that the so called curse would really injure someone.

  • Your dad is a good, careful driver and by the sounds of it, he's the only one in your part of the country! Seriously, there are so many inattentive and just BAD drivers out there it's no wonder really why those things keep happening to your family

  • Get a big canister of salt, and make a salt circle around your car when not using it

    burn a $50 bill

    run your car and dad in massive amounts of running water whenever possible.

    Pray to your god

    ask your dad if he gave the man his name, and if he could of got any of his hair, or such.

    keep in mind that everybody is an idiot on the road

  • haha. you're literally not cursed. there's a conserving... "existence sucks, then you extremely die." It looks like you're in simple terms experiencing existence. As for searching crappy husbands, it is a personal decision. per chance they in simple terms suck at judging a persons'' personality. personal as a lot because the shitty circumstances you're in. sometimes undesirable stuff takes position. Oh nicely. the motorcar not operating should be chalked as a lot as not searching after the motorcar. you're mom had eye surgical treatment and become using a pair days later? That sounds like a nasty decision to me. You lose intensity concept once you simplychronic with one eye. the money challenge is in preserving with spending and artwork habit. sturdy artwork ethic and achronic to achieve fulfillment receives you extra than mediocrity will. you should honestly be proactive, not reactive. it is all about ahead wondering and getting waiting for what ought to ensue in case you do not make sturdy, sound judgements.

  • There are no such thing as curses. Its just bad timing. But you really believe you have a curse, pray to Jesus if your christian to lift the curse, do a curse lifting spell if your Wiccan. But I recommend doing a spell, but its a sin.

  • sounds like a book many cars get recalled

  • what is your question?

    youhave to ride in his car sometimes right?

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