Fast food restaurants?

What fast food restauraunts will you NOT eat at and why? My choice would have to be Burger King. There's nothing wrong with their's the drinks. I love iced tea but I can't stand Nestea. So until they start using real, brewed iced tea like most everyone else, I'll pass. I don't drink soda.


  • I don't go to fast food restaurants. I'd rather spend a few more bucks, but eat healthy genuine food. McDonald's would probably have to be one of the most disgusting though.

  • I won't eat at McDonad's or Burger King. McDonald's because I worked there for 2 years and the food just lost it's appeal. Plus, if you worked there and saw the crap that went on behind the scenes, you'd never eat there again either. Sometimes I get odd cravings for the food there though. It drives me nuts. So the only thing I will eat is the Steak Egg and Cheese Bagel. But I only get Steak and extra sauce on it because the eggs and cheese at McDonald's are gross. And I don't like Burger King because they got rid of selling Mozzarella sticks, and that was the only thing I ever ate there. All their lunch food just tastes like charcoaled crap on a bun. Their onion rings are ok if they're fresh, but their fries are just gross. And for their breakfasts, the only thing I'll eat is french toast sticks and hashbrowns. But I have to be craving it to eat it. I think it's just the oil they fry stuff in. It smells and tastes funny. I only eat at these places like once a year or every other. I prefer Arby's, Subway, and Taco Bell.

  • Taco Bell. It is super gross!

    I don't drink soda either, but other then the ice tea factor, my best friend got food posioning at Burger King. So that would be another reason to avoid it.

  • Even though I work at Mc.Donald's and get discounts I think they do it to fatten you up. I hate it and refuse to eat there, I see the food being made and mann its sick. Did you know the oil in the Vats sit there for 2 weeks. I only drink the drinks at Mc.*****, and if I do eat there its once every 4 months.

    As my mom always used to tell me, It tastes like cardboard!!

    I like Burger King.

  • Carls Jr. The portions are ridiculously huge. There is no need for people to eat the giant, greasy hamburgers. Who really needs that much food! No wonder so many people are overweight. Just watching the commercials would make you gain some weight.

  • I will not go to the Sonic anymore. It got a bad review where I live. There were roaches in the kitchen and it was in my cousins food. I thought that was so gross and I do not ever want to go to a Sonic again.

  • I hate Burger King --- I can't eat there anymore since they changed the fries -- when I walk in and smell them my stomach just does flips -- yuck

  • Taco Bell. I've gotten sick the last TWO times I went there. I prefer Del Taco and Chipotle.

  • Burger King, I hate it. I dislike the fries and do not care for the char-broiled burgers.

  • It would have to be Taco Time. I simply can't stantd the food there, or they way it is prepaired. It taste's gross. Plus the apperance is not appealing at all.

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