how did islam come into existence ?

i want to know how and when islamic religion came into existence .

i havent heard a lot of stories about it .

no crappy answers plss , historic answers will be appreciated .


  • Islam began with the first man, Adam, when he submitted himself to God. Therefore, the word “Islam” simply means Submission to God. The word also means Peace; and so, as the name of the Religion of God, it implies the peace that we can attain by submitting to God.

    All the Prophets of God, from Adam the first Prophet to Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Last Prophet, preached Islam, which is the Religion Allah has destined for mankind. Therefore, the right name of the Religion of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be on them all) as well as of hundreds of other prophets of God (whose names we do not know) is Islam. But the followers of the earlier prophets have used other names for their respective religions and so we have the name Judaism (after the tribe of Judah) for the religion of Moses, and Christianity (after Jesus Christ) for the religion of Jesus. Only the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) use the right name for the religion of God. For this reason, the word ‘Islam’ today is used practically for the religion taught by Muhammad (peace be upon him) alone.

    The Merchant of Makkah

    Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in a noble family of the Quraysh Tribe of Makkah, in the Hijaz region of the present Saudi Arabia in 570 C.E. He started preaching the Religion of Islam to his people when he was 40 years old. From his early youth, he had earned the name “Al- Ameen” or the Trustworthy One from his people. He had been a shepherd, and later a merchant in the service of a rich lady of Makkah called Khadija. When he was 25 years old, he married Khadija, a widow of 40 years.

    The Hermit of Hira

    When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was forty, he developed a habit of withdrawing to the solitude of a cave in Mount Hira which was close to the city of Makkah. He used to spend hours, sometimes days on end, meditating in the cave. Once, while he was in the cave an imposing figure suddenly appeared before him and asked him to read a scroll held before him. He was terribly frightened by this sudden appearance, and when the figure asked him to read again, he stammered saying that he had not learned how to read. But the figure, who was Gabriel, the Angel of God, told him: “Read in the name of the Lord Who created; created man from a thing that clings. Read, for your Lord is the Most Generous; and He has taught by the Pen; taught man what he knew not…” (Holy Qur’an 96:1-5)

    These were the first revealed verses of the Qur’an; and thus started the revelation of the Last Testament of God for man. Since the revelation of this verse, the Prophet’s hibernation in the Cave of Hira came to an end. From then on, he was not to rest; for he had been chosen by God to be His Last Messenger on earth.

    The Caller of ‘One God, One Humanity, One Religion’

    From the beginning of his prophetic mission, Muhammad (peace be upon him) met with terrible opposition from the people around. Because his Message was ‘One God, One Humanity and One Religion for Man’, it was clearly against the many gods of Arabia, against the tribal values of those people and against all their superstitions. Indeed Muhammad (peace be upon him) stood against their polytheism, their treatment of women as worthless chattels, their tradition of never-ending feuds, their economy based on slavery and exploitation, and so on and so forth. For this reason, the leaders of Makkah had no doubt that if they wanted to continue as before, the Religion of Muhammad (peace be on him) should not be permitted to take root in Arabia. So they tried all kinds of ploy to dissuade him from his mission.

    we have a very good website talking about prophet muhammad and how islam start and other stuff

    thnx for asking us about our religion in a very polite way:P

  • When Islam Came Into Existence

  • Muhammad went to a cave to fast or meditate, then after some few days, I'm not sure how many, he saw an angel claiming to be the angel Gabriel. Muhammad actually got scared at first, he went back home to his then first wife and told her everything, he thought he was being demon possessed but his wife encouraged him and told him that it was indeed the angel Gabriel.

    He started a religion the world came to know as Islam, it's kinda funny that revelations of the kuran came to him whenever it seems necessary at the time when the supposed revelation was given to him. I don't know how most Muslims don't realize this, even his uncle started suspecting him of making up his so called quranic revelations.

    Well there you have it straight from what I could remember from what I've read.

  • ALMOST every non-muslim have this misconception that Islam was incepted in the 7th century..

    IF YOU READ THE QURAN,it is clearly stated that Islam has existed SINCE ADAM was created..and the Quran also states Adam was the first muslim on this earth..and all the prophets that came after him;Abraham,Noah,Daniel,Moses,David ,Solomon ,Jesus and Muhammad,they all were muslims from a Quranic perspective...Quran also says that God or Allah gave different revelations to different prophets but their faith was same--To worship only One God...and in the 7th century,the last and the final prophet named Muhammad came and he was given the last in other words,The revelation of Islam is not recognized in separation from the earlier revelations and the message of Islam is understood as a part and parcel of an overarching message that started from Prophet Adam and ended to Prophet Muhammad...

    so,Islam was actually COMPLETED in 7th century...

  • The religion of Islam has came to existence, since the time that men has set foot to earth. Adam (S.W.S) & Eve (S.W.S) practiced Islam & all the other prophets that are mentioned in the various religious scriptures. However, I understand what your asking. The complete religion of Islam has came from the prophet Muhammad (S.W.S.) ... which was over 1400 years ago. Muhammad (S.W.S) brought the final revaluation of the Qu'ran. The previous revelation before the Qu'ran was known as the Injeel (Gospel) which was given to Jesus (S.W.S.). Prophet Muhammad was mentioned in the Gospel.

    To further clarify these points please read the following:

  • the bible was fully completed. No islam .. no mohd.

    like some 600 years later, it came onto the scene.

    here's the story ...

    mohd was given the koran by the angel gabriel. Touted as a prophet of God.

    here's the catch ..

    God spoke to moses. God speaks to ALL His prophets and NOW, to His children, the christians.

    however, mohd NEVER heard from God !!!

    the angel gabriel serves God. Means gabriel would NEVER give mohd ANYTHING that will oppose scripture yet islam oppose scripture in all its islamic teachings eg. sex in heaven with 72 virgins when souls have no physical body, therefore, no genitals.

    so who was it that came in the form of the angel gabriel to mohd ? satan

    2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    now we KNOW how teachings such as sex in heaven evolve .. lies upon lies.

    then muslims turn around and call the bible a pack of lies.

    imagine, the bible carrying the 10 Commandments .. handwritten by God Himself .. is THE only SACRED text on earth there is and ever will be.

  • islam means peace acquired by submitting will to the god

    islam is there since adam(pbuh) he was the 1st prophet and muhamad(pbuh) was the last prophet.

    by name 25 prophets name is mentioned in quran the had only one thing to tell the human beings

    belive in the oneness of god

    all prophets teached the same and when muhammed(pbuh) came he was the last prophet and his teachings is for the whole human kind

    and one more those who say muhammed (pbuh) copied quran from bible and tourath .he was illiterate

    doesnt knw to read and write.......there are similarites in the stories in quran and bible but the is great difference for example

    in bible it says about noha(pbuh) arch or tells it happened whole world or whole world was flooded

    but in quran it says about nohas(pbuh) shuip but it does nt tell it was a world wide flood.....quran says it flood happened to the people of noha either only certain area was aaffected as noha was sent to certain soceity

  • A seventh century warlord had epileptic fits in a cave and claimed he saw an angel....It's sort of gone downhill from that moment on.

  • here is an historic answer to you;_ylt=AsFtB...

    it seems like everybody knows why they are thumbing down.

    happy chances.

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