Did Canada steal Victoria B.C. from the USA?

Victoria is south of 49th parallel North. That's across on the other side, the USA side.




Randy, Anything in North America that is West of Lake of the Woods and below the 49th parallel North is on the USA side.

Update 3:

Ric, That's exactly my point!!! If Point Roberts Washington is north of them Islands and is in the USA but they are not than how can they not be in the USA and belong to the USA ?????? Only thing I can conclude is they either stole these Islands from the US or are illegally occupying them.

Update 5:

Ric, these stupid canuks don't even know the difference between North and South and 49 and 48. *rolls* eyes.


  • I'm afraid I can't answer your question, but I have often asked myself the same thing. How is it that Point Roberts is part of the USA, but the southern part of Vancouver Island and some smaller islands are not?

    Did you know that there is not a high school in Point Roberts so kids in high school have to take a bus everyday that crosses into Canada then drive around and back down into the USA at Blaine to go to school, as there is no ferry connecting Point Roberts to the mainland? I remember several years ago hearing about some kids that were stopped at the Canadian border on the school bus with pot in their bags. I guess they bought it at school, but they couldn't bring it across international borders to bring it home!

  • Victoria is on Vancouver Island, about an hour and twenty minutes by using ferry from the mainland. you regularly see pods of whales close to energetic bypass in the course of the crossing. There are branch shops, golf equipment, bars and different interesting events, even with the undeniable fact that it is also an quite sedate position. Victoria has been defined as a 'little bit of Olde England' and this is an quite apt description. They serve afternoon tea on the Empress motel. There are mind-blowing beaches, yet no longer excellent around the Victoria section. Qualicum coastline and Tofino are superlative, yet they're up island. this isn't any longer a very lengthy distance. The temperature is the most sensible in Canada, because of the impression of the Pacific Ocean, and the temperature ranges from about 35 interior the iciness to seventy 5 interior the summer season. It hardly ever snows in Victoria! Vancouver Island, and all of British Columbia, is amazingly perfect, with numerous lakes, rivers, mountains, and forests. between the relaxing events in Victoria is connect a padding crew. they're very huge on dragon boat paddling and outrigger canoe paddling and there are races extremely properly each and every weekend someplace on the island. there is tremendous surfing on the Island too, yet you in numerous cases positioned on a humid healthful -- only a shorty -- once you're out in some absolutely mind-blowing surf. UVic is a reliable college, with a perfect campus, and this is totally on the fringe of the downtown section. you're going to relish it.

  • The 49th parallel border delineation has limits - on both sides. Victoria is south, but, the limit had ended well to the east of where Victoria is. I would have to look up the exact spot, but, Victoria was specifically excluded.

  • Go look at a map.

    Victoria's on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.

    Vancouver Island was never American.

    Nobody stole anything form the Yanks.

  • There are plenty of points below the 49th that are part of Canada and always have been part of Canada without a war.

  • No.. we did not. B.C was always a part of the Canadian Nation.

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